Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright - Hillary and the TRUTH Print
Written by Robert ID4327   
Sunday, 27 April 2008 02:20

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright - Hillary and the TRUTH by Robert

I would like to mention the struggle of Barack Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright.

As with most of what the mainstream news outlets feed us, the man’s words were twisted by short snippets of his sermons. The mainstream has lied about this man and it is just another case of the self centered clinton machine doing what ever they can to get their way – at any cost. It is apparent to many this woman is out for her self and really does not care about the people, or even her own Democratic Party. She is self centered and thinks she is owed the presidency. She has out to slash and burn her way into the White House and that should be apparent to all. Pastor Jeremiah Wright, sniper attacks all false info.


If you need to read about the REAL hillary visit HERE, and also watch the following

 The Real Speech by Pastor Wright

The REAL hillary

Part One

Part Two

We reached out to Pastor Jeremiah Wright to try for an interview, but as you can imagine he is very busy and time would not permit it. But please visit Trinity United Church of Christ HERE and see the work this church and Rev. Wright are doing before you condemn a man or a church on ‘snippets’. And support Sen. Obama and go HERE to learn more about Sen. Obama and what his vision for this country is.

Don’t be hoodwinked or fall for the okie dokie. Search out the truth for yourself.