Protect Your Hip-Hop Intellectual Property Print
Written by Robert ID2431   
Friday, 17 March 2006 02:22

Downloading of articles, stories and musical material off the net, has seen not only writers but also unsigned hip-hop and rap artists having their musical creations ‘jacked’ by other artists and their hip-hop lyrics and beats used without permission by other artists.

Now, in the way writers protect their intellectual property, hip-hop and rap artists (and artists from all genres) can protect the intellectual property of their musical creations.

All you unsigned artists need to look into this and protect your intellectual property (lyrics, beats and so on).

The Writers Copyright Association has announced the release of its sister organization: the Musician's Copyright Association.

The Musician's Copyright Association fills the gap in the market for musicians looking to protect the intellectual property of their musical creations.

Managing director Jonathan Newman said "This is an important step in IP protection. We hope that artists and creators of intellectual property will benefit from the added protection our services have to offer."

The Writers Copyright Association has been at the forefront of IP protection for several years now. They have long been the frontrunner for copyright registration of literary material.

As well as protecting works internationally and providing evidence in case of litigation, the Writers Copyright Association, (WCA), offer many free services including a script marketplace where users can promote their screenplays to members of the film industry.

Check out the Musician's Copyright Association (MCA) at for music protection.


The Writers Copyright Association (WCA) at for writer’s protection.

Don’t let someone else make theirs off your hard work. It is well worth looking into.